Sunday, July 13, 2014

Still July

 I had to post my sunflowers...Amazing huh...

Madison wanted a stand to sell her hand made play dough marbles.  We had lemonade and 2 cookies to the "kit"...her name for it...for $1.   If people just wanted lemonade she said $2.  4 hours of prep time and 1 hour of selling for $13.  Not too bad.

I am taking an amazing Mary Ann Moss class on line.   So much good info on sketching ...Makes me want to just sketch and play with watercolors and lettering.   But so far I did a blind contour drawing and some kelp sketches at the beach...but we are going out today to do some more.  Madison has planned a picnic sketch at Ballard School.

I am also taking the equally amazing, Lynn Whipple's   collage fun...Here is what I am doing there...not done...

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