This is a ArtFest proposal idea I am working on. I am just showing you a little part of it. I have 2 other things in the works. This part is always tougher than I think it is going to be so I am a little overwhelmed right now...
I have a busy week ahead but I wanted to give an Earl update. He is doing really good. We thought this chemo round would be tougher but it has actually been the easiest one so far....and it is the last! The 2 rounds after the surgery were just to make sure they got it all. He will have a scan on the 15th which they do not expect to see anything and he is done with all that! He is eating more and more normal things and his taste buds are coming back so that is helping. He is really excited about his trip to Roswell end of June. All the Newbeetle people are meeting there for a reunion. This the 10th year that they have caravaned there from all over the states and Canada to see if the mother ship comes...It is a fun time.... newbeetle enthusiasts
Hi Syd, good news all around. Your new work is colorful and fun as always!
So glad to hear Earl's news! That is so wonderful!
You are brave showing parts of your proposal,,,, I'm keeping mine a secret, but I can't wait to share!
I'm working on our collab. Got over my fear of finishing the project. :)
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