Here are some pieces I am pretty much done with. I have a couple more in the works to pack up for ArtFest.
This was our Ladies and Gents Show in Los Olivos Saturday. I think there were 9 artists. The 3 of us : Ron, Becky and I painted outside. It was really fun and I got something done.
Here is Earl doing a trial run for Easter. I am posting 2 pics here. One is good of Madison and one is good of Earl.
I am happy to report that Earl is doing good. It is still tough to stick to the new eating pattern....small amounts and frequent....but we are working on it. He got his last tube out last week so he is completely tubeless...which he is very happy about. We see the other surgeon, West and the oncologist Wed. Then I plan to visit my brother, Steve. I can't really talk about it right now but I will post a picture of him with our oldest brother, Neale. I have always loved this picture even though Steve looks a little bothered to have to take time out of play to pose with me etc. I love you Steve...
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