Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Latest paintings

These are my birdman series part 2....

This is another of my 'hood paintings....


Tara's Art Camp said...

OMG, you are a big teeese, I just love those birdie people. I'm drooling..... LOVE them.

Runner Gurl said...

Your killing me with the house paintings, Syd...

I am so in love with this one, too.
*happy sigh*

How big is it?


Syd said...

Relax G. It is already sold. ....sorry...It is 30 x 30....but I am working on another one I will post soon. Syd

Syd said...

Tara...Is there one do you want? I will do more at some point if not. Syd

Mary Stanley said...

Love these !!!