Sunday, July 17, 2011
Guess what!
I am going to be the featured artist at Santa Barbara Arts for Aug!!! If you are in the area stop by! The first Thurs. Aug.4 will be the fun evening to come.....Santa Barbara is the art Mecca on First Thurs.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Fabulous weekend...
Michael deMeng was at the Art Clinic and gave us 2 great workshops with tons of great info. Everyone was very happy with what they learned. There was the Cold Blooded journal on Sat. and Pretty Vial things on Sun. Both classes turned out amazing pieces of art!
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Great 4th!
Had a good show in Santa Barbara. Caught up on family news with Mike. He is now the grandfather of 5 boys! ...thinking of you Patty and Steve...Met and re visited great people and artists and sold some art. Penny came by and gave me a break....thank you **p**. The only bummer was they trimmed back my lemon tree so much I was in the hot sun the whole day....and I mean hot! Saw fireworks with Earl, Jill, Joe and Madison. Worn out but happy.
Now it is time to roll out the red carpet for Michael deMeng!! His class is full on Sat the 9th but still room here at the Art Clinic, in the Pretty Vial Things class on Sunday. We have lots of surprises planned. Carol and I are super excited! All the info is on our Art Clinic blog.